A Circle of Women

There is nothing like a circle of women! I woke up feeling so grateful and reflecting on the amazing women in my life. I have been so blessed with my friendships with women over the years. I find that no matter what, when a circle of women forms, the most magical things happen.....healing, opening, laughter, friendship, truth-telling, love and undying support. I feel so grateful for my sailing ladies! We usually sail on Tuesdays, so I dubbed our standing date: "Tita Tuesdays". I am from Hawaii, and in my book, Titas are just plain badass ladies. Urban dictionary defines Tita this way: "a word of Hawaiian origin, which can be used to describe a woman of any race who is strong, independent, able to think for herself, and FIERCE in a number of different ways. .... a Tita is a woman who can hold her own and doesn't take any crap. It's a good thing to be a Tita". Anyway, here is to you my sailing Titas!!! I love you all. Thank you for inspiring me to be a better sailor, person and friend. Thank you for supporting me and loving me, and allowing me into your lives....

One of our epic sails on Tita Tuesdays

One of our epic sails on Tita Tuesdays