The Twisty Path of Grief

Today was a day of grieving for me. Grieving what once was, what could have been and what never had a chance to be. Once I peeked behind the door of this grief, the waves of sadness came in a rush and consumed me…until I had no choice but to surrender. I curled up on my couch with my beloved dog and let the tears flow. I let every feeling surface from heartbreak to anger. I didn’t realize how many things I had been bottling up or trying to be “tough” about. Every last one of them was unearthed and released.

The cleansing started with a good sobbing session, then moved into my studio for a few hours resulting in a flurry of expression and creation, and ended with a solo sail on my beloved boat. By the end of the day, my mind, heart and soul were clear. The sadness is still here, and I honor it, but it is no longer choking me as it was.

Stepping into my studio and opening my art journal always feels like coming home…to my truth and to myself.

I am so grateful for my art journaling practice. Even when it isn’t at the forefront of my life, I know it is always there like a lighthouse on a rocky shore. No matter how long it has been, I can always find my way back because of that steadfast light, and  I can always dive in and access the power and healing of making art.

How do you use your art practice to process painful experiences and emotions?

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