a sanctuary for creativity and healing

Margie (the artist)

I am a self-proclaimed crusader for the healing powers of art! For the last 25 years, I have personally experienced the enormous benefits of creativity. I strongly believe that the artistic process enhances and encourages psychological growth and healing on many levels, so after finishing my Masters in Clinical Psychology in 2006, I created Language of The Soul Workshops to promote that very thing. My personal exploration of the creative process began with photography at a very young age, then designing handmade greeting cards, and eventually also found form in art journaling, bookmaking and painting. My art journaling practice has been a constant throughout that journey, and sustains me to this day. My deep hope is that something that I teach in my classes or share here about my creative practice will touch someone and encourage the spread of creativity and healing in this world.

When I am not working on this blog, sailing or hanging out in my art studio, I can be found shooting portraits of my beautiful clients in the San Francisco bay area. If you need some portraits that are full of heart, give me a shout!